Ich füge hier einmal die Mail bei, die ich in
diesem Zusammenhang an das Kloster der Augustiner in
Manila/Philippinen geschrieben habe:
Good morning dear father Pedro G. Galende – or who is responsible for the museum of the St. Augustin Monastery of Manila! I visited last sunday the old monastery resp. the museum and I was very glad, because this museum seems for me very successful. Of course, I have some notes: You wrote about the famous Augustinian
friar Gregor Mendel, that he was born in Hynice,
Czechia, and that he joined in the Augustinian
Order in the monastery of Brno, Czechia. Sorry,
but this ist not correct. Because in that time
Czechia didn´t exist. You can write “today
....”, but if correct it must be written: born
in Heinzendorf
that time Austria-Silesia) and friar ot the
Augustin monastery of Brünn
(in that time Austria). And also the name
“Hynice” is not written correct, it has to be
called “Hyncice”. Also with special accents,
which I don´t have in my computer.
(About the population of Brünn: In 1900 lived in there 69702 German speaking people and 38365 Czech speaking people, so it was mainly a German town. After the war 1945 the Augustin monastery, where Mendel lived and worked, got a sad celebrity: The German speaking and also the bilingual people from the villages around Brünn were drifted there together for the “Brünner Todesmarsch” (Brno death march) to Austria, where more than 5000 people died or were killed. So, if Mendel would have lived in Brünn in this time he would probably also get drifted there together and sent on the death march.) But I think still more important for theologians is the reason why Mendel was so interested in his researches. Because at first he was a philosopher and a theologian. And in his time was still relevant the doctrine of Aristoteles about the “homunculus” (about 500 b. C.). It says that the nature has the characteristic always to reproduce exactly herself – so if the farmer sows wheat in the soil, the result is exactly new wheat and nothing else. Because in the seed is already the complete plant, it needs only get hatched. So it should be the same with the human beeings: The female whomb has the function of a furrow, so to hatch the seed. So if a man puts his “seed” into the whomb of a woman, there always should also little men get produced. But why sometimes little girls are “produced”? Obviously there are happening here mistakes of the nature, aren´t there sometimes also other mistakes? So girls (and women) are “mistakes of the nature”! So “science” of old times explained why girls and women are of less value than boys and men. And with his researches Mendel was revolutionary: He found the proof that the doctrine of Aristoteles wasn´t correct: Women aren´t “mistakes of the nature”!We find these thoughts in a note in the book “Experiments in Plant Hybridization” (1865) of Mendel. You can see in the German edition - German is the original language of Mendel´s book - and also in the English website http://www.mendelweb.org/Mendel.html#sC that these notes are printed in bold letters, that means that they are very important, may be the most important matter for Mendel! "In Pisum it is placed beyond doubt that for the formation of the new embryo a perfect union of the elements of both reproductive cells must take place. How could we otherwise explain that among the offspring of the hybrids both original types reappear in equal numbers and with all their peculiarities? If the influence of the egg cell upon the pollen cell were only external, if it fulfilled the role of a nurse only, then the result of each fertilization could be no other than that the developed hybrid should exactly resemble the pollen parent, or at any rate do so very closely. This the experiments so far have in no wise confirmed. An evident proof of the complete union of the contents of both cells is afforded by the experience gained on all sides that it is immaterial, as regards the form of the hybrid, which of the original species is the seed parent or which the pollen parent." And here Mendel found the proof that men and women are completely equal in the relation for the inheritance of the genes. Very often it is said that especially the catholic church is misogynist – and I think that it is very remarkable that a catholic priest (and one of your order!) found the proof that females from their value for the genes of the new men are completely equal with the males. I think that you should emphazise this more! And after all: Jesus was for the equality of men and women before God – and so he would have his joy about the researches of Gregor Mendel that there is also an equality also by the nature – if HE would live today! And more: This is also a proof for the catholic doctrine that the catholic (and Christian) idea of men is not against the nature but supports the nature. (So: If some catholic priest should become a saint because of his researches about a better humanity in human sience it should be the Augustinian Father “Gregor Mendel”: Aristoteles stands for a pagan view of human beings – and Mendel stands for a real Christian view of human beings! But today there is a new paganism from science called sociology: The sociologists in our Western countries say that men and women from nature are not made for monogamy, it means that f. e. at least women should be prostitutes at first. And the sociologists are very sucessful: How statistics say each young German between 15 and 20 has 4 sexual partners - in average. Unfortunately, our Christian theologians also agree here because they do not look for real serious researches how to mobilize the energy and the good will of young people for selfprotection against this modern paganism. Here I see my Christian duty to do something - even after retiring. And I think meanwhile I have quite interesting and good results and experiences.) Best regards M... P... (Dec. 13th, 2017) (r.c. theologian and former teacher of religion at a professional school in Germany) Und hier die (durchgesehene und ein wenig verbesserte) google-Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Guten
Morgen lieber Vater Pedro G. Galende - oder
wer ist verantwortlich für das Museum des St.
Augustin Kloster von Manila! "Bei Pisum (Anmerkung: lat "Erbse", "Pisum sativum" ist die Gartenerbse oder auch Speiseerbse) ist es wohl ausser Zweifel gestellt, daß zur Bildung des neuen Embryo eine vollständige Vereinigung der Elemente beider Befruchtungszellen stattfinden müsse. Wie wollte man es sonst erklären, dass unter den Nachkommen der Hybriden beide Stammformen in gleicher Anzahl und mit allen ihren Eigentümlichkeiten wieder hervortreten. Wäre der Einfluss des Keimsackes auf die Pollenzelle nur ein äusserer, wäre demselben blos die Rolle einer Amme zugetheilt, dann könnte der Erfolg einer jeden künstlichen Befruchtung kein anderer sein, als dass die entwickelte Hybride ausschliesslich der Pollenpflanze gleich käme, oder ihr doch sehr nahe stände. Das haben die bisherigen Versuche in keinerlei Weise bestätigt. Ein gründlicher Beweis für die vollkommene Vereinigung des Inhaltes beider Zellen liegt wohl in der allseitig bestätigten Erfahrung, daß es für die Gestalt der Hybride gleichgültig ist, welche von den Stammformen die Samen- oder Pollenpflanze war."